Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I LOVE a New Year…each time one rolls around I have the chance to try to get it right!

I recently read a very humorous little line that went something like, “A New Year’s Resolution is a to-do list for the first week of January.” Couldn’t help but laugh at that one! Rings too true!

As I thought about January and all the resolutions I’m supposed to be setting for this new year, coupled with my thoughts about Moms and Homeschooling and all that faces us each day, I decided to just jot down a few things that might be helpful. As always, they are probably the things I most need to be reminded of. Hopefully one might jump out and grab ya!

J ~ I challenge you to CHOOSE JOY everyday!

Joy is a choice…

Some days we may have to seek and seek to find it, but dig deeply enough and I promise you will feel it, take time to bask in the beauty of JOY…it feels so fantastic!

A ~ Focus on your ABUNDANT blessings! I have a quote that hangs in my school room as a constant reminder to myself, my children and everyone who enters “our room”…

What IF you woke up today with only the things

you thanked God for yesterday?”

May we make the choice to focus on the abundance of blessings we each enjoy and focus less on the hardships life may bring.

N ~ Never stop dreaming…

Always follow your heart and refuse to shut down or stifle the dreams that reside within you…what an amazing example you are to your children ~ let them catch you tackling the world!

Give yourself the right to be extraordinary!!!

U ~ Believe that nothing is Unattainable!

Keep climbing those mountains, as trying as they may be, YOU will show this world and yourself that you CAN conquer the unimaginable with dignity and grace, just by believing in yourself!

A ~ Attack your battles and challenges with enthusiasm and courage!

Don’t allow yourself to be fearful or worse yet, defeated! YOU are too great…challenges are merely stumbling blocks (or oversized boulders) that when overcome, help us stand a little taller!

R ~ REMEMBER, You are never alone!

During some of our lowest times we may feel very alone…a scripture I turn to time and again that brings peace to my heart is a well known verse - Joshua 1:9, “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” When I read this, I know I am going to be okay, no matter the situation, HE is with me, He is telling me not to be afraid, not to be dismayed, to be strong, to have good courage BECAUSE He is with me everywhere I go. What a Beautiful peace this brings….I am never alone!

President Gordon B. Hinckley’s words of optimism are powerful…I like to picture him looking into the mirror as he would say these words to himself each morning, “It isn’t as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don’t worry. I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. If you do your best, it will all work out. Put your trust in God and move forward with faith and confidence in the future.”

Y ~ It’s all about YOU!

Take care of you…nurture yourself…feed your Spirit…replenish your cup…

Recognize what brings a smile to your sweet face…and spend more time doing those things.

Make time for YOU!

Contrary to what some may believe…

YOU really must treat yourself to a little “YOU TIME” each and every day…be creative…you may have to sneak in a few priceless moments in the wee hours of the night or before the sun ever peeks it’s lovely head over the mountaintops…

It may feel selfish to find this time for yourself; that is simply not true! YOU will be better, happier, more energetic, more willing, more confident, more adventurous, more nurturing, more joyful, more pleasant, more of everything desirable!

You will be the very best Momma and Wife when you have nurtured yourself and fed your sweet spirit!

Happy New Year, Dear Friend!

My wish for you is that this will be a year filled with an abundance of joyful moments.

Much love to you, Stacey

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