
Deseret Home School Association Guidelines/By-Laws

The purpose of the Deseret Home School Association is to share resources, activities, and learning opportunities that edify and motivate parents and their children (students) in the homeschooling process.

                        The Purpose of the Association is to provide:
                                    Monthly Mothers’ Meetings
                                    Monthly newsletter                                                                                                                 Monthly field trips/activities
Opening & closing socials

The voice of the board is unified when it comes to communicating various issues with the general membership.

Membership is available--free of cost--to any homeschool family who wishes to participate in Mothers’ Meetings and to receive the newsletter.  Field trips and activities often have a cost associated for participation.  Requesting that a name be added to our list is all that is needed for membership.

A statement of faith is not required. DHSA supports all homeschooling families.  As an LDS group we begin and end with prayer, and the nature of our discussions will likely reflect current LDS doctrine. 

Membership can be terminated at any time at the request of the homeschooling family. Contact the Membership Coordinator of DHSA to have names removed from the list.

Mothers’ Meetings are to be held on a monthly basis to support and uplift the homeschooling mothers.  The location of the meeting will vary depending upon availability.  The hostess may provide refreshments for the meeting if she chooses.

Couples’ meetings are encouraged twice yearly (one in the fall and one in spring). Date and location of this meeting will vary depending upon availability.

During the Mothers’ Meeting in May, DHSA will accept new volunteers to fill board positions for the upcoming school year. 

DHSA does not provide a membership list that can be made available to the public.
Some families have expressed an interest in connecting with others; we encourage the use of the DHSA Facebook page as a way to connect with other families in your area. 
DHSA does not endorse Facebook posts added by members of DHSA.

When a member of the Board is approached with information to possibly publish in the newsletter or to the membership at large, that member will first determine whether or not the questions or information follow the Association’s purposes and guidelines.  Second, said member will pass that information or questions on to the President--or Vice-President in her absence--at which point a decision will be made as to how the information will be handled and/or possibly disseminated.

At the minimum, the newsletter will contain the Purpose, the Disclaimer (“Information on the family list is to be use ONLY for homeschool-related matters.”), and Contact Information for the members of the Board, Presidency Message, Calendar of Events, Mothers’ Meetings and Notes.  Advertisements are welcome as long as they support the purpose of the Association.

Every year donations are gladly accepted.
Treasury funds are to be used for paper items including but not limited to:  paper, envelopes, copies, postage, paper plates, cups, utensils, and napkins.  Items necessary for opening/closing socials and couples’ dinners such as:  tablecloths, centerpieces and any other costs incurred by the Presidency/Board as deemed appropriate for such events are also covered by said funds.

Presidency/Board Roles
            Membership/Newsletter Coordinator
            Field Trip Coordinators
            Other Coordinators (as needed)
The term of the Presidency and the Board is one year--from June to June.  The released Presidency/Board will fulfill their duties for the June newsletter and Closing Social.
Board Positions:  New Presidency and Board members shall volunteer or re-volunteer at the May Mothers’ Meeting.  The Presidency and Board members will be filled as directed by the Spirit, or by the majority of those present at the meeting.
Board procedures:  Following prayer, welcome and introductions, there will be a brief spiritual thought to set the tone for the meeting.  Then, a discussion about the Presidency/Board positions needing to be filled.  Starting with the office of President, followed by Vice-President, Treasurer, Membership/Newsletter Coordinator, Secretary, Field Trip Coordinators (and any others); each current officer will discuss their role and responsibilities, and ask if anyone feels prompted to volunteer for that position currently.  If a particular position is not filled, it will be left open until someone is found.  This meeting is guided by the Spirit and is NOT handled in a traditional manner.

A Presidency/Board Training:  Training should be held shortly after elections, either for the whole Presidency as a group, or individually as schedules allow (President meets with new President, and so forth).

Officers and Duties are as follows:

            The President:
1.  Conduct at monthly Mothers’ Meetings and select opening and closing
                        2.  Write a monthly President’s Message for the newsletter and e-mail it to
      the Newsletter Editor by the 15th of each month.
3.  Be a contact person available for inquiries, concerns and questions     
     regarding homeschooling and the Association.
4.  Create, call, and attend Board meetings as needed.
5.  Ask for approval and input from all past Presidents in the event that                                                                                          there is a need or desire to change the DHSA By-Laws.

            The Vice-President:
1.  Assist the President in planning Opening/Closing Socials, and any         other activities.
2.  Assist the President in planning locations of Mothers’ Meetings, and        help assign a topic for each meeting.
3.  Attend Mothers’ Meetings.
4.  Attend Board Meetings.

            The Treasurer:

                        1.  Keep an accounting of the financial records of the group.  Reimburse
     members from the General Fund for expenses approved by the Board.
                        2.  Prepare and give Treasurer’s Report at designated Mothers’ Meetings.
                        3.  Attend Mothers’ Meetings.
                        4.  Attend Board Meetings.

Membership/Newsletter Coordinator:                   

                        1.  Maintain and update membership/family contact information (add new
     people, delete old people, record info. changes).
2.  Set a deadline for receiving materials and articles submitted for the
newsletter, as well as a deadline for sending out the newsletter.       Collect information and compile the newsletter.
3.  Send the newsletter/announcements out each month and other
     communications to the group as necessary. 
4.  Attend Board Meetings.


1.       Take minutes at Mothers’ Meetings.  Submit notes for newsletter.
2.      Assist Membership/Newsletter Coordinator with content of newsletter and membership updates.
3.      Attend Mothers’ Meetings.
4.      Attend Board Meetings.

The Field Trip Coordinators:

1.      Coordinate monthly field trips and submit dates, field trip and
directions to the newsletter.                                       
                        2.   Attend Board Meetings.

Other suggested positions:
It has been helpful to add other positions as necessary to help the
Association run smoothly. These positions may include, but are not limited to:  Teen Activity Coordinator, P.E. Coordinator, a Phone Tree, Coordinator, etc…

The Presidency can fill positions as needed on the Board to facilitate the support of the homeschooling families. 

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