Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Why did you get out of bed this morning?  Why are you reading this message?  Why have you chosen to educate your children at home?  Why are the things you choose to do important in your world?  Look at your list of things to do today. Why has each item been added to the list?  For what reasons do you work, love, play, strive and pray?
At times, I look at my life and see that I’ve become a master at going through the routine, but perhaps in going through the motions, I’ve lost sight of what is most important.  Perhaps, I’ve lost touch with the reasons WHY I continue doing it all in the first place.   If this rings true to you…Stop for a moment and think about the why.
The reasons are there. Buried under the noisy complications of daily life is the person you truly wish to be and the things which you long to achieve. In some way, whatever you're doing at any moment is connected to those reasons. But if you've lost touch with the reasons, the connection may be distorted and your actions may be less effective than they could be.
When you remember why, you get where you wish to go with much more speed and effectiveness. Take the time and make the effort to stay in touch with the why. Know what drives you, and let it take you wherever you wish to go.
This past week has brought a few little challenges and with it a big ol’ load of doubt.  It is during these ugly moments of doubt that I am grateful I can go back to the WHY of what I do, to the WHY I choose to keep my kiddos home with me each day, to the WHY certain things are vitally important and essential to me.  When I choose to focus on the WHY, I can do the hard days.
Take the time to ponder the why's in your life...perhaps by focusing on why we do the things we do each day, we will again focus on the joys found in all that surrounds us!
Wishing you a BOO-tiful October ~ Stacey
Stacey Lytle
DHSA President

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