Monday, March 7, 2016

March 2016 Newsletter

spring bird

Message from our President:

Easter and Spring are just around the corner.

A time of renewal. New hope springing forth as tiny green buds form on lilac bushes and little white flowers poke their shoots up out of the ground to bask in the warm sun.

I am remembering the bird family who came to visit us last spring.

We were very excited when the cute fluffy bird couple decided to make their home in the bird house standing on a wooden pole in our front yard. We watched excitedly as they flew back and forth, beaks full of nesting materials to fill their new home with overflowing comfort.

Soon the sounds of chirping signaled the arrival of new additions to their family. Time passed and the babies grew. The whole family seemed to be so happy.

Then came the neighbor's cat.

We watched as it would sit for hours watching the birdhouse, it's sleek grey body hiding easily in the shadows. The new parents tried scolding the cat but it was not intimidated. We also began scolding and chasing off the cat but he would always return to gaze hungrily at the little family.

Then one morning we found a dead bird laying on the ground that looked like mama bird and also discovered evidence of the cat climbing the pole and pulling out much of the carefully nested material. We listened for sounds of the babies. Nothing. The babies must have been old enough to leave the nest or been carried away.

Sad, upset, and not wanting to offer a false sense of security to the birds in the neighborhood, we uprooted our pole and put the birdhouse away in the garage.

The next day when I entered the garage I was dismayed to hear dismal chirping coming from the birdhouse. Somehow the babies had survived and I had shut them up in the dark and lonely garage!

Now, what to do? How could we keep the babies alive if mama bird wasn't around anymore. My 16 year old daughter graciously offered to drop out of school and become a bird mama – chewing up worms for the ravenous babies.

Instead, we securely fastened the birdhouse to the side of our house making sure it was high enough not to be disturbed by the cat and also being careful ourselves not to bother the babies. Then we watched out the window while we googled how to take care of baby birds.

And waited, listening to the pitiful chirping.

Later that day the house was filled with cheers and sighs of relief as we caught sight of mama and papa bird flying back and forth from the feeder to the birdhouse anxious to give their babies much needed nourishment. They had probably been waiting and watching, worried and confused that not only had their babies disappeared but their whole house too!

Easter is later this month. As I prepare to celebrate new life and Christ's sacrifice for us I picture my life being much like the experience of those baby birds. They had been left in the dark, removed from the comforts of life they had known and were confused, hungry, and frightened.

Often I find that life's experiences bring confusion and concern. Each of us has times of pain, poor health, death, trauma, and a future unknown. I often find myself wishing I could just know what would be coming next so I could prepare myself. And yet, as I look back on my life I can see that in all of my dark times I have always been blessed by divine hands and have never been forgotten. God's presence has always been there, waiting to nourish and strengthen me when I would turn to him.

When I clearly see the past I can move forward without fear, knowing that my journey is part of a greater plan. I can look for the joy in the moment and find comfort knowing that I am not alone.

I hope each of you find the joy in your journey and the peace that comes through Christ.

Happy Spring my friends!


Upcoming Events:


Teen Service Project and Game Night

Friday, March 18 at 7 pm at the Laird’s home:

408 Hawthorne St  Nampa, ID

We will do a service project and then have time for games and snacks. Please bring a snack to share.

Mother's Meeting

Saturday, March 19 at 10 am

Kristen Grover's home in Meridian

420 W. Black Rock Dr.

Share your Favorite Books Brunch

Bring some of your favorite books to show - The ones that speak to your heart

Books that inspire or entertain

Favorite family reads

Kid's favorites

We want to create a fun book list for the group to enjoy!

Brunch will be served.  You are invited to bring a breakfast item to share.

DHSA’s Fourth Annual Literary Marshmallow Peep Show:

It's fun! It's artistic! It's literary! It's PEEPS!!!!

April 4th, 1-3 pm, at the Pinedas’ home in Kuna: 12028 W. Dynamite Ln.  (Rain out date: April 11, 1-3pm)


Here's how it works:  After Easter, those sugar coated goodies are on clearance everywhere--snag a package of Peeps from your local store. Then, choose a favorite book and create a diorama or other artistic work recreating a scene or theme from said story, using whatever supplies you've got---including at least ONE marshmallow peep! Name your diorama (brownie points for incorporating the word "peep" into it) and come show it off!

You are encouraged to share a little bit about your story or diorama as we will be set up in a "science fair" sort of way, but no formal presentations are required! Think of it as a book report through art and sugar! You may also want to bring the original book or concept art as a reference. We’ll have games, prizes, refreshments, and time to just hang out. From tots to grown ups, all ages can participate! (Please be aware this is not a low-sugar event…you may want to prepare accordingly!)

Please RSVP via text or call Marissa at 208-841-1732 so we save you plenty of space for your creations!

Need some inspiration? Here’s a just a tiny sampling from past Literary Peep Shows:

peep 1

peep 2


peep 3peep 4

peep 5

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